Today I bring you a first; a Friday's fun fact in video format...
This was inspired by our lower body execution day, which we held last weekend.
One of the difficulties we encounter as trainers is in the way split squats, but more so lunges are taught and executed, with a lot of people recruiting too much of their quadricep muscles in a lunge as opposed to their hamstrings and glutes.
Now yes, they may look rather similar but looks can be deceiving as a little like the word ‘ciao’ which means both “Goodbye” in Italy but also “Hello” in Vietnamese, the split squat and the lunge are (technically) total opposites - a lot like the cultural meaning of ‘ciao.’
Trying to favour the hamstrings/glutes over the quadriceps while lunging isn’t always easy work however, if you follow the points I address in this video you’ll soon understand the differences between the two exercises and bd better able to recruit the correct muscles when performing either exercise.