James Bond has been gracing our screens since 1962, and has become a symbol of the British gentleman. The quintessential bad boy, every woman wants him, while every man wants to be him. We are used to seeing Bond in action behind the wheel, out in the field and even in the bedroom, but what does Bond get up to in the gym?
As well as dashing looks and charisma, 007 needs total body strength, explosive power and a fast sprint speed to keep his licence to kill. Here are our top ten exercises you need to get Bond Body Ready:
- The Pull Up
Why: Pull-ups will help develop Bond's lat (back) and grip strength ready to climb a lift shaft or pull himself onto a helicopter. Another benefit is the range of progressions. If a pull-up (with palms away from you) is difficult to master, start with some chin-ups and build up from there. If they’re easy and you can knock out 20 in a row in true Bond style, put a weight belt on, or lower yourself down more slowly. You’ll be ready to clamber up scaffolding in to time. - Garhammer Raises/Hanging Knee
Why: These are very useful for developing the lower abdominals and increasing core strength, and would be essential for escaping when you’re chained hanging to a drain pipe, or creating an explosive kick when hanging from a building. Sit ups are another option for developing impressive abs: striding out of the sea onto a pure white beach is one of Bond’s favourite past times, and if you want the 007-life, you need to look the part! Plus they are a key part of the field agent fitness test, as we saw in Skyfall. - Box Jumps