With the holidays upon us, family commitments and gatherings can make getting to the gym near impossible. Many of my clients tend to travel to see family and friends both abroad and all over the UK. So, to help them stay in shape and give them a level of sanity I sometimes prescribe them the hotel room workout!
A workout that's designed to be done within 15-20 minutes with no kit and in the smallest of spaces. In this short video I demonstrate an 8 exercise workout that can be done, literally anywhere.
The Circuit
A1 - Split Squat - 2-3x 15 reps
rest 10-30 secs
A2 - Push Ups - 2-3x 15 reps
rest 10-30 secs
A3 - Burpees - 2-3x 20-30 secs
rest 10-30 secs
A4 - Prisoner Squats - 2-3x 20-30 reps
rest 10-30 secs
A5 - Jumping Jacks - 2-3x 30 secs
rest 10-30 secs
A6 - Spot Running w/high knees - 2-3x 30 secs
rest 10-30 secs
A7 - Mountain Climbers - 2-3x 20-30 secs
rest 10-30 secs
A8 - Plank w/alt. leg swipes - 2-3x 10-12 reps per/side
rest 60-90 secs. Repeat 2-3 times