Do you crave carbohydrates when you’re dieting? Well, this could be why…
Tryptophan is an amino acid that is converted to 5-HTP, which in turn up-regulates the production of serotonin - the happy hormone of the brain!
Low levels of tryptophan will undoubtedly lower the uptake of serotonin, and expose you to:
• increased susceptibility to depression
• increased craving for sugary foods
• low mood
• increased aggression
• increased hunger - these symptoms seem to be a lot more magnified in women
Unfortunately, tryptophan does get depleted when dieting, by as much as 15-20% when calories are set at 1,200 or lower (Strasser. 2015). It’s a big reason why it becomes very difficult to actually stick to a diet and not be tempted to binge and overeat.
Well, it’s important to know that increases in glucose and insulin in response to a high carbohydrate consumption will trigger an increase in brain tryptophan and serotonin synthesis (Benton. 2002).
If you're someone who experiences any of the above symptoms when on a calorie-controlled diet then it may well be worth increasing your consumption of tryptophan. Only recently, scientists from the University of Barcelona were able to show that treatment with tryptophan-rich protein foods improved emotional processing, mental energy levels and reaction time in middle-aged women.
Taken in dosages of 400-1,000mg/day, it has been shown to:
• reduce food intake (up to 18% more than placebo in a 1989 study w/ obese women | Ceci. 1989)
• increase weight loss - found in a 12-week study with obese women (Cangiano. 1992)
• reduce the food intake - specifically carbohydrate intake in both male and female with type II diabetics (Cangiano. 1998).
Where can I find Tyrptophan?
You can either choose to supplement tyrptophan in the form of 5-HTP (the easiest way) or to increase your intake of tryptophan rich foods for example:
• Elk
• Spinach
• Eggs
• Spirulina
• Soy protein
• Crab
• Halibut
A go-to supplement I recommend would be this one as it's rather potent at 200mg per cap!
So, if you find yourself 'pulling your hair' out when dieting or dreaming about dancing doughnuts and prancing pretzels, it may be a sign that your serotonin levels are a little low and upping your tryptophan may not be a bad idea.