Coronavirus Update - 01.06.20
The Government has now introduced guidelines for personal trainers allowing 1-on-1 personal training sessions to occur outdoors. We have begun a phased reopening and have opened our doors back up (so to speak) allowing us to train a handful of members outside with some proper gym kit, which has been greatly missed.
We also want to take this opportunity to share with you our strategy and plan towards a full reopening, ensuring we keep our members and studio safe and COVID free. Please refer to our safety document - Keeping You Healthy Post-Lockdown - COVID-19 Safety Guidlines for full details.
Coronavirus Update - 18.03.20
We're living in uncertain times now, with everyone deciding how to live their lives for the best. We've created this page to keep our members and others up to date with our current stance.
It’s now been advised social interactions in pubs, cinemas and large public areas should be limited, especially amongst the high risk groups and in London.
Since the announcement, many of you have asked whether we’re staying open and the answer is most certainly yes!
The media does like to overplay things, but there is also a danger that we can often underplay things as a society too, so we’re trying hard to strike the right balance.
We are not a “social space” like a pub, which could have tens of strangers in at any one time, none of them wiping surfaces down after themselves or a large corporate gym with thousands of members.
We are a small private studio with conscientious, selfless and sensible members, who are all taking steps to keep themselves and those around them safe. We have a maximum of 12 people in our (pretty big) studio space at any one time, and can make sure everybody is exercising at least 1.5m away from each other.
With that in mind, as well as the measures we’ve previously outlined, we’re going to be a little less “hands on/touchy feely" when correcting form, encourage you to continue to wipe down your kit (you’ve all been stars with that), and encourage you to be considerate of each other’s space while you’re here.
We do want to reiterate again to please stay away if you’ve been feeling unwell, or if a family member has been feeling unwell for at least 14 days.
It’s worth bearing in mind that the virus can’t be transmitted through skin, so there’s no more risk of catching it at the studio than there is anywhere else you may encounter other people; perhaps even less so with many of you being aware of the issue and taking such a strong and proactive measure to tackle it.
Think of the studio v.s. a supermarket - significantly less people, significantly more cleaning.
Of course things are different if you’re in a high risk group, so if you feel you fall into these categories then please do drop us a line - your health is our top priority!
If you have any questions or concerns please do let us know, but we just wanted to reassure you that it’s business as normal.
We’re keeping an eye on things and there’s always the possibility that we may need to reduce the timetable to limit the number of people, but as of yet we don’t feel that this is step we need to take.
All the best,
Chris, George, Becky and Georgey